From Comic Books to Motion Pictures
I am a comic book collector. I am proud of it. I'm proud of my geek heritage. I do not hide it. I am a geek. A nerd. I play video games. I buy toys (for myself). I buy action figures. I watch anime. I am a geek. And I am proud of it.
My fascination with comic books started when I was young. Back when I was collecting the Infinity Trilogy (Marvel) with Kuya Nelson Banzon. When my brother, Karlo and I, were collecting The Punisher: War Zone. When Roy Rebong and I were into X-Men comics and Infinity Watch. When I collected Thor and the Fantastic Four. Engaged myself in famous storylines like the Dark Phoenix Saga, X-Cutioner's Song, Legion Quest, Days of Future Past, Onslaught Saga, etc. Even whenI spilled over from Marvel to Image to collect Stormwatch, Soul Saga, Bloodstrike, Brigade, and Supreme.
Even now, I still trade comic books with my good friends Andrei and Robert. We often talk about the newest comicbook-turned-movie that is going to be shown. Movie adaptations of comic book superheroes have been here for the longest time. Like the Superman movies of the late 70s and the Batman movies of the late 80s. (Trivia: the first ever superhero film: The Adventures of Captain Marvel was in 1941) Now we have the X-Men movies and Spiderman movies. Next attractions are sequels to the Hulk, Fantastic Four (previous blog entry), Punisher, Sin City, etc. And productions to new superhero movies are under way as well, Iron Man, Thor, Iron Fist, Avengers, etc.
I can't wait for all these movies. Even if some of them are not well received by critics, I'd still watch them. I never listened to critics, anyway. I am my own best movie critic. Well, me and my friends, anyway.. So i'm excited and I can't wait. But all these upcoming flicks got me thinking.
They will probably never make a movie out of my most favorite superhero of all. Adam Warlock. Why is he my favorite? Here is a character thinking purely by logic, not bound by concepts of good and evil. He thinks not only of the future, but of the long-term future, millenia-spanning future. He always takes into consideration the butterfly effects all of his actions would make. Have you ever heard of a superhero not bound by good or evil? That's him. That's Adam Warlock. Some groups even consider him a supervillian because of this. I want to know what it feels like, or rather, what it means to be operating purely by logic and see what decisions I make. What would I do? Why would I do this? When do I do it? And then consider the effects of my every action in a non-judgemental way. Imagine this, Warlock gave up being a god, a god in every sense omnipotent and omniscient over the entire universe, because he saw the future that the universe will ultimately come to its end if he was ruling. Anyway, Adam Warlock will never be featured in a comic book movie adaptation. His fan base is too small. Screenwriters would be having a hard time writing for him, directors and producers wouldn't know which demographic to target with Adam Warlock as the main hero. He's not a flamboyant character (although his team, the Infinity Watch, could be!). He has ordinary superpowers i.e. super strength, ability to fly (cosmic), and shoots powerful ray beams out of his hands. His best strength is his mind, really. In other words, he could be viewed by others as boring. So here's to you, Adam Warlock, the best conceptualized character in all of the comic book world. Here's to your movie in 2025, when I get to direct my first feature-length film. You'll be the main hero. Millions will watch it. Billions will buy the 4-disc special edition HD-DVD or BluRay. I'll be a gazillionaire. I'll buy a small country. I can have all the toys and action figures that I want. I'll play all the video games, I'll buy all the comics. I'll... wait...
Ahh.. this'll never happen.