Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chor: The God of Tanders

1. A very well made movie. You'd think that a Thor movie would be hard to make but they made it work.

2. Not as epic as say, Iron Man or Dark Knight, but more likely in the level of the Norton Incredible Hulk. Actually, the Thor movie is way better than the Hulk movie.

3. This movie could have been legendary if they added 15 to 20 minutes more of fight scenes. I know that would already have tripled the entire movie budget but nah I'm a movie viewer and that's what I would have wanted.

3. Bakit ang Earth hindi kasing-ganda ng Asgard? Kasi may magic. You actually look forward to Asgard scenes. Kudos to the creative and production team, Asgard looked amazing.

4. Is it me or did Natalie Portman look Black Swan crazy? Is she going to be Black Swan to my eyes for the rest of her career? (Just like Hilary Swank will forever be a boy) I hope not.

5. Kat Dennings! But she didn't show her side boob from hell..

6. Loki. Not the scariest villain but the movie pulled off the Loki persona - mischievous and scheming. But I didn't like the part where he had a fight with Thor, an actual fight. In the Marvel universe, I think he would have been killed with a single strike from Myowmyow.

7. In comics, Thor is always the difference maker. More of like a Deus Ex Machina for storylines. I'm excited to see how the Avengers movie will use this character - a god or a faulted human?
8. Overall, good movie and has a lot of replayability. 3.5 DREIs.
1 - DREIs: "Avoid Like The Plague" Why did we watch this in the first place? (i.e. Bangkok Dangerous, The Hottie and the Nottie, Scorpion King 2, etc..)
2 - DREIs: "Shite" No need to see this movie unless you have absolutely nothing else to do. Movies with high expectations but falls short on almost everything. (i.e. Righteous Kill, Max Payne, The Island, etc..)
3 - DREIs: "Okay" Good movies that could have been better. Usually gets half good reviews, and the other half so-so. The experience will also depend also on who is watching. (i.e. Clone Wars Animated, Fast and the Furious, The Devil Wears Prada, etc..)
4 - DREIs: "Great" Almost all facets of the movie were masterfully done. Great in almost all aspects. (i.e. 300, Dark Knight, Transformers, Slumdog Millionaire, etc..)
5 - DREIs: "Revolutionary" It will change the entire concept of filmmaking and how films are made from this point on. It will serve as the new gauge for movies of the same genre. (i.e. The Matrix, LOTR, The Godfather, etc..)