Monday, January 1, 2007

Stories From Behind The Cubicle Wall

I came across a really interesting website about working and the shite you have to put up with to earn a paycheck. I think all working people can relate to more than a few stories from this website. Access the website: here. This site, "humorously explores the horrors and absurdities of the workplace, and provides a much-needed antidote to the doldrums of dealing with a bad boss and a dead-end job." I particularly liked the The Strategic Planning Meeting and the Ruled by a Paranoid Control Freak journal entry. Very funny and very well-written. I've already lost about three of my workforce hours reading through the entries on this site. I'm sure everyone can relate to a story or two. Don't get me wrong, I love my work and I enjoy working with the people around me (well, most of them..) but, it seems that I understand where these people are coming from. Besides, there is a little comfort in the thought that other people have experienced the same shite that you have and some have experienced even worse.
Anyway, here are some of the amazing views from my cubicle. These are low-res images taken with just my cellphone. The first image is a view towards to north, on the left side of the image, you can see Libis going to Katipunan. The second and third images are views to the east, the second image shows the Eastwood City view from my 23rd floor office and the third picture shows essentialy the same view with the horizon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I wrote "Ruled by a Paranoid Control Freak!" It's nice to know that someone enjoyed it enough to site it in their blog. FYI, I don't work there anymore, hurray!
